How bad is your OCD? Mine is bad and getting worse lately.

Made cookies today- the peanut butter ones with Hershey’s kisses in the middle and when I was done I had these perfect rows of  4 cookies. Then someone ate one and there was a gap in my rows, naturally, I rearranged them so I had perfect rows of 5. Then more people ate some and I had to rearrange them over and over again. Most of the time I had to eat another cookie so I had an equal number, too. Now I have a stomach ache.

If I have only 1 message I won’t listen to it on the answering machine. If there is 2 I will, 3 I won’t 4 I will. You get the pattern.

If Kenaley’s shirt has a lot of pink on it, she can’t  wear pink socks. If there is only a tiny bit of one color on her clothes- that I the color bracelet she has to wear.

My dishes must be done before I drive the kids to school and before I eat breakfast.  If I only have enough time to do the dishes before the kids go to school, then my breakfast waits until after my shower, because that is the first thing that needs to be done when I get back from dropping of the kids. There are many, many days when I don’t eat breakfast until after 10.

I can never watch just one rerun of Grey’s. I have to watch either 2 or an entire disk at a time.

I check my email 4 times a day. At least.

When I go to restaurants that I have been to before I order the same thing. Even if I didn’t like it last time.

When I wash laundry, whites get washed first, jeans last. Jeans get folded first, whites last. I usually have wrinkled whites.

If I am not serving a vegetable with my dinner then I serve it in a bowl not a plate.

The first thing that I do when I get done with my shower routine is make my bed and my boys beds.

I get super edgy when I am late to something. Especially when I have no control over it.


I haven’t gotten to the point where I count lights blinking or only eat even bites of something, but I don’t think it’s far off.

Tell me I’m not alone. PLEASE??

5/24/2011 05:45:27 am

On the volume on my tv, it has to be either turned to an even number (42) or every fifth (like 40 or 45). It drives me crazy if it's on a 43 or 46. UGH.

We all have our little things!! :)


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