One of the most intense Grey’s Anatomy episodes starts off by Merideth having a feeling in the morning that she should not get out of bed that day. She feels like something bad is going to happen.

I did not have that feeling this morning. It was just another day…kids complaining about going to school, breakfast dilemmas, dish doing. The works. I had a project that I wanted to surprise Anderson with today. He has an obsession with his build a bear and wants to buy a bear back-pack (similar to a Snugli, that you can carry baby around in) and I imagined a pattern for it and was planning to start on it after I got all the laundry put away. Cursed chore. I am sewing and cutting and pinning and my friend- best friend- called me. We were chatting, all the while I am building the back pack for Jesse. Miss Kena was happy as could be with a bowl of grapes  on the couch and Olivia on TV.

All the sudden I hear my back door open, dog barks, (which if you have ever heard my dog bark you know, if not, it could scare the life out of a full grown man- she is a mastiff, intimidating to look at, more intimidating to hear) door slams shut. I interrupt the conversation on the phone with my friend and call out my husband’s name, assuming that  it is him and he needed to grab something for work. No answer. Go into my kitchen, no husband there. Open the door, call out to see if someone is there, no answer. Friend still on the phone. I conclude that someone, not a someone that I know since there are no cars here and no one in my yard, just tried to come into my house.  We discuss the possibility of who it could have been, leading to no good possibilities. I decide that I need to grab the baby and get a  gun. We are there by ourselves and I didn’t see if the someone who randomly opens doors is in my house or out. I instruct my friend that if she hears anything strange on the phone she better call 911. I was not convinced at this point that the police needed to be alerted, after all I am a worse-case-scenario type of girl and was going to check the scene myself before calling wolf. I wander around my house, baby in arms, gun in hand, dog by side, checking if anything is out of the ordinary. See nothing. Venture outside and check the immediate surroundings (I am totally feeling like one of Charlie’s Angels at this point) All looks good. Friend still on the phone. Look at all the places that one could hide, including all the closed doors to sheds, garages and tool storages and decide that it would be a really stupid idea for me to start opening doors.

You know, like screaming at a girl who is in a horror movie, who keeps doing all the wrong things to get away from the psycho killer, stupid.

Decide that I should go back into my house and lock my doors, and write it off as a freak occurrence. Another ½ hour passes and I need to run to pick up Anderson from school. Friend on the phone convinces me that I should somehow booby-trap my door so I would know when I come home if someone tried to re-enter my house. So in my geniusness I stick a toothpick in my door jam, where only I could see it and if the door was opened it would fall and I would know that, in fact, there was someone in my house. I watch too much crime  TV . I get back and the toothpick is untouched. So, I convince myself that I am really going crazy. And vow to watch less crime TV. And put the gun away.

Kenaley sleeps on the couch, Anderson perches on the kitchen counter and listens to Mumford and Son’s on my ipod while eating lunch, and I go into the office to finish Anderson’s back pack. I come out about 10 minutes later to try it on the little dude, who is still on the counter, back facing the 5’x3’ kitchen window, which is right next to my storage room door, which has been shut all morning long. He tries it on and I look what adjustments need to be made, go make them and return in 3 minutes. He tries it on and I notice that the storage room door is now wide open. I ask him if he went in there, he says no.

I freak out.

Grab the boy, throw him next to his sleeping sister on the couch, and get the gun back out of the safe in the next room, while calling the police.  I explain the events and they say they will send out an officer. I frantically try to call Kevin while hovering over my babies with a gun. Anderson is completely unfazed by this and just goes about listening to my ipod. I sit and stare out both windows waiting for police to arrive. 10 minutes later (no seriously, it took them that long!!) The police arrive and I tell the officer that I am certain the door was closed all morning long. He goes in and out of every building on my property, and tells me that I really should lock up all the stuff that we have in our yard. He says that there have been a lot of tool thieves in the area. We have about $100,000 (no exaggeration) of tools in our yard, all in sheds and such but not very often locked. Kevin FINALLY gets home and I get him up to speed. I am frazzled by the whole turn of events.

I assume that when the dog barked this morning when dude tried to walk right into my unlocked house and, I can only assume, burglarize me; he got scared and ran into my storage room which is right next to my house and the first available place that one could hide, and stayed there  for the length of 90 minutes until he mustered enough courage to open the door, saw my child sitting in the window, back turned, and just decided to make a run for it- leaving the door  wide open as a give away.

I am totally freaked out by the whole thing. I had 2, yes 2, cars in my driveway. All the blinds open and lights on. I was clearly home.

Totally freaked out that my son sat protected only by a pane of glass from this person while he  innocently listening to tunes and eating lunch.

Totally violated that such a bold person would stay in my storage room waiting for just the right time to leave while I was completely unaware inside my home.

Needless to say, I am heading to Home Depot today to get the best, top of the line, keypad lock for my doors and window locks and door alarms. Might stop and get another gun too- at least more ammunition. And the dog will be getting a steak for dinner tonight for having the best intimidating bark of any other dog alive.

5/6/2011 07:06:55 am

MY HELL.. I would be freaked.. YOU GO GIRL! You are my hero.. and so is your dog!! That is so FREAKY!

Nicole, sister, The Best
5/7/2011 05:30:44 am

See, you call her a dumb all the time but her dumbness does help some times. As one dog-owning, gun-owning person to another, i have always felt that you leave yourselves far too vulnerable. You live on a busy street but one with a dead end making it easy for people to enter on that side unseen. You have tons of valuable stuff on your property and you leave your gates, fences, doors unlocked all the time. How many times I have come by and walked in and yelled for you only to realize that you are not there. I could have cleared you out! :) Good thing I am your sister and not a depraved person.... well, I AM your sister at least.


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