I just counted, at the request of my children, how many days of school are left.


How did such a thing happen!?!?

I swear my baby boy just started kindergarten and the older one, third grade. Just days ago I met their teachers and helped them find their desk. Christmas could have very well been last night.

I feel so very unaccomplished for this school year. I usually go through their room a few times throwing out toys that drive me bonkers and organizing it the way that I like it to be. Haven’t done it once this year.  I usually take full advantage of the free time and scrapbook my brains out. Haven’t finished their last day of school pages from the last school year yet. (I have never been this far behind in scrapbooking- and I have 3 books to keep up on to boot!) I usually have some insane project that I try to accomplish while they are gone and I have not even thought of one yet.

I have 27 school days.

Then the torture of summer break will be at my door step.

The endless sand on my kitchen floor. Constant trips to the grocery store to re-stock cheese sticks, popsicles and juice boxes. ENTERTAINING BOYS!?!?!? The impossible task that I face every day of trying to convince them to leave the house. The complaining. The messes.  The tattle-telling. The fighting.  Yelling and waking up a napping baby. The eating me out of house and home. How is one expected to survive????


Maybe I need to look at this in a  ‘glass half full’ perspective.

I will have someone to entertain the bug each morning. There will be no more rushing the boys to get out the door in the morning. I can make yummy breakfast more often. The kids will more than likely stay in their PJ’s for 4 days of the week, cutting down on the laundry. The warm days will provide a perfect opportunity to kick the 2 outside- and while they are at it, take their sister, too. There are a lot of fun picture taking opportunities that come with warmer weather.

Maybe I can handle the approaching summer break.

I have 27 more days to come to terms with it.

4/21/2011 02:48:39 am

Hey Danyelle!! Just found your blog and I love it, very cute way of writing!

I don't have kids in school, so the summer is nothing new for me, but I am excited to be able to let my kids out more. Although then I have to deal with the heat... :(


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