The feeling of randomness has taken over me today. Random funny things, frustrating things, no fair things. Its a random kind of day here at the House of Payne. So I am going to share with you my random feelings.

This morning my kids got dressed (without being asked- HORRAY!!) and put shorts on. I told them that it is going to rain today and that they needed to go put pants on. They put up a fight, but after I gave them the unforgettable grit-my-teeth-and-yell-without-yelling threat they finally stomped upstairs to change into more weather appropriate attire. I yelled up there "I better not find those shorts on the floor, because they are not dirty. Put them back into your drawers." Two hours later, I finally got done with my pre-shower tasks and headed up to their room to make thier beds and found the shorts on the floor. I think they did it just to spite me.

Kenaley needed a diaper change this morning and I was only about 20 minutes away from putting her in the shower, so rather than waste a diaper I decided that she could hang out comando for a bit. She ran into me in the kitchen and did her trademark naked dance that makes me laugh no matter how many times I see it. Squating up and down she chants "I take-it, take-it, take-it!!" Take-it is Kenaleeze for naked, btw. Its adorable, trust me.  Then, the stubborn child who knows when and how to pee but refuses to go in the toilet walked over to the dogs water bowl, stood over the center and peed in it. Then proclaimed: "Mommy, I pee-peed! TAH-DAH!!" Funny, but not so cute. Couple minutes later my monkey climbed the kitchen cabinets and peed in the kitchen sink, again proclaiming "Tah-dah!" She was  then diapered.

I have to go help my friend finish moving today and I told my husband, who just finished his last final for school last night that I needed him to pick up the boys and watch them for the night. He is somehow under the impresion that me moving my friend counts as his payback for having been in night school for the past 2 years  and me putting kids to bed solo all that time (arguably one of the worst times of the day for mom's) and says to me that this is my break then. When did moving boxes up and down stairs become a break? I am baffled.

Logan just discovered that there is a Lego website that you can buy random lego pieces from, he has told me that he wants a knife, a gun and a chainsaw for his lego guys, they are only 75 cents each. They are  about the size of a newborns fingernail and he is convinced that the price is cheap. He has yet to convince his mother of such.

There is my randomness for the day.

Add your randomness in a comment below, so I don't feel so alone in my randomness.

Christina D
5/1/2012 03:31:22 am

Hmm, i dropped a half dozen eggs on my awfully placed floor grate in my kitchen today and they dripped down a 4 foot drop into the abyss of my heating stuff. Not sure how to solve that one. And then I found that my children had eaten a whole container of grape tomatoes for breakfast before I got up this morning. No wonder they were so quiet. And my cat is finally getting spayed today. Hallelujah. Somewhat random, i suppose. :)

5/1/2012 03:46:29 am

I've had to send Luke to his room 3 times today for hitting me or yelling at me. But I did manage to squeeze a shower in while the baby slept in the bouncy chair. So that's one good thing today.

5/1/2012 08:03:10 am

I tried to put my 3 year old down for a nap today. During his "nap" he pulled up the vent cover and dropped several toys in. That's a 15 foot drop down to a place I cannot retrieve them. Ugh!

5/1/2012 11:13:12 am

I got pulled into the middle of a quarrel between boss and co-worker which has left me between a rock (my boss being angry with me for not agreeing with him) and a hard place (my coworker potentially getting fired, leaving me with her workload). I suppose a highlight was the two minutes that I was able to talk to my sister who was too busy moving a friend to listen;)

The sister who was moving...
5/1/2012 11:51:36 am


Abandoned sister in time of need...
5/3/2012 07:22:28 am

If the shoe fits...

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