I would so totally love to be blogging right now. I would love to be doing just about anything other than what I have been doing for the past 48 hours.
Get ready people.
I am potty training the princess. Again. But this time I am not giving up.
The princess who is arguably the most stubborn person that I have ever met. (Other than myself. And, yes she most likely got her stubborness from me.)
It goes like this: I ask her if she needs to go, she says no. 10 minutes pass, I ask, she declines. 5 minutes pass; I ask she declines- she is then forced to sit on her potty chair for 5 minutes to try to get something to work. She screams. The entire time. And hits. And kicks. And arches her back- so even if she were to go I would get a nice little sprinkling of the deed. :(   Yesterday, the stubborn little child went for 4 hours 30 minutes without going at all, because she just didn't want to. This is the stubborn that I am talking about. 4 hours and 30 minutes!!! And she is only 2 1/2!!! I can barely go that long. Today she finally cracked at 3 hours.
The fact that this very stubborn child is so defiant and will not just go like a normal 2 year old has forced me to become a stalker. I have to follow her around my house EVERYWHERE! And she gets out right mad at me for doing such. She yells at me "Go see daddy!" "You get out!" "I don't want you!"  "GO AWAY!!"  It makes me feel so loved, on top of the hitting, screaming and kicking that I am greeted with when placed upon the baby-comode. My life has been a treat for the past 48 hours.
But I will not be defeated by a 2 year old.
You see, if I do not have the princess potty trained by June 24, she gets to join Kevin and I on our little escape for 3 days.
I. Will. Not. Give. Up.

Not only do I get to deal with Princess-I-Will-Not-Go, but Kevin also decided that now was the perfect time to get a super fun infection in his ankle. It has swollen up to the size of my thigh and he has to use it minimally for the next 3 days. So my world consists of stalking a 2 year old and waiting on a 38 year old.

The peanut butter cup cake balls are my only friend right now. And the last of the chocolate covered frozen bananas. (recipes will be shared afer I am done stalking.)

What am I saying here? What is the point of this blog today??

Potty training stinks.

Ankle infections stink.

And cake balls rock.

That is all.
5/25/2012 08:59:53 am

My Mom used to run the water in the sink so it made a tinkling noise,I can't help to want to pee everytimeI hear a water fountain or any running water, to this very day! Gotta go, I nafta pee now.


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