Today my day went kind of like this: wake up, lay in bad for a full hour trying to convince myself to get out and face the freezing cold floor, rush to get kids ready for school, do the dishes, make an enjoyable breakfast for my younglings, get myself and my princess ready for the day, recall that I have visisting teaching to do about 20 minutes before said apointment, go to the bank and give away my money, go to the store and buy shoes for Kevin (SIDE BAR: Shoe prices are out of control!!! I remember paying $19 for the exact pair of shoes that I purchased for spouse today for $40!!!! CRAZY!) Pick up boy #2 from school, make lunch for the boy/princess, make lunch and visit with spouse-complain about shoe prices, go to Home depot and DI to hound for a new dressser project, pick up boy #1 from school,  force homework upon my children, sell pink dresser, make dinner, start new dresser, get kids to bed, blog.

It really seems like a lot for one little persson right? But here's the thing: in the middle of those things I believe that I went on facebook about a dozen times, nursed a  baby (who is on her last days of nursing- very unwillingly by both of us) a few times, probably ate a few pounds of chocolate and a peanut butter sandwich, and attempted to clean some of the many messes that occured in my house today. 

I feel like I did nothing.


Well, while I sit here and type my thoughts out, I realize that it is because I haven't done anything for myself. I used to be really good at "self time" but have found that lately I really have been cutting myself short on that thing that used to keep me a happy mom. Maybe I have found new ways to keep myself happy. I do find great pleasure in painting a dresser and getting tons of phone calls telling me how badly so many people want something that I have done. And I also think it is so fun to make bracelets and hairbows for baby girl. But honestly, what I used to LOVE and spend every free second that I had doing, I cannot bring myself to do lately: Scrapbook. I am kind of bummed about this fact. I really want to get caught up (I used to be only 1 month behind before princess came, now I am about 1 year behind) and I really want to have memories on paper for my kids to look through. I am beside myself that I don't want to do it. So I have conclided that I have too many hobbies and scrapbooking is too time consuming and isn't appealing to start something that I will not have the time to finish that is why  I turn to bows and blogging and bracelets.   Maybe someday I will get my groove back and I will be able to post the awesomeness of my pages that I used to be able to create.
I need some inspiration.
Amber Laws
3/23/2011 05:09:55 am

I spend alot more $ than that on shoes... Here is a little bit of inspiration from you to me... Let me babysit your kids sometime and then you can have some time for yourself! (Oh Yeah, you are one of those overbearing "my kids can't leave my side" types. I guess there is no hope for you...

Nicole, sister, the best
3/23/2011 02:08:32 pm

A) yes, you do have too many hobbies...
B) I too have too many hobbies
c) Yes, you are one of those overbearing-can't be separated from my kids for 2 minutes moms
SO... A+B+C= lets get together for play date and scrap-a-thon! Hehe! As soon as the craziness of the 2 yard sales is over, I say lets GO! I have fun new craft stuff that might inspire you or you might laugh at me and tell me what a simpleton I am but either way, you are likely to get your groove back.

Nicole, sister, the best
3/23/2011 02:10:12 pm

Also, Amber, if you are reading this... you can come too :)


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