So I am one of those people who rarely shares my favorite recipes becasue if you have the recipe then you won't come over and eat with me any more- and I love few things more than food and conversation. But I have felt so inspired to share with you my recipe for pancakes. It took many trial and error batches to perfect this pancake batter. This very recipe  was used at PJ's and Pancakes for primary this year. It ROCKS!!!
IHOD  (Inviting House Of Danyelle) Pancakes
1 1/4 c flour
1 egg
1 1/2 c buttermilk
1/4 c sugar
1 heaping tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 c oil
1/2 tsp vanilla ( I only ever use Molina Vanilla- Its a Mexican Vanilla)

Stir it all up and cook them in a hot pan either greased or sprayed with non-stick spray.

We frequently add fresh blueberries to them when we are cooking them, don't add them to the batter in the bowl as they will sink to the bottom and only the last few will have blueberries- just drop a few onto the pancake while it is cooking.
May I also suggest my favorite way to eat them: Butter it and add fresh whipped cream. No syrup- I am not a fan.

You can thank me later.

If I get nice comments I may just share with you my most prized recipe of .....well you'll just have to wait and see.
Kristine Little
3/14/2011 01:11:10 am

I was wondering if I could get that recipe out of you. After we talked in the grocery store before the PJ and Pancake party I started wondering. Ha HA now I get to make and enjoy. Pancakes here I come!
Thanks Danyelle


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