Since when did a bag of fermenting sugar, flour and milk say friendship!?!?

I was given this bag of goo by one of my very close friends and a recipe titled: Amish Friendship Bread.

FRIENDSHIP BREAD!?!What is this supposed to be? So I read the recipe.  Apparently I am to leave this bag of goo on my counter, allow it to ferment and get all smelly, irritate by squishing the bag, add more goo to the bag, irritate it even more- at least once a day, and then divide my goo and pass some along to my ‘friends’ and then use some to make bread.  


I thought about the concept for a while.  I compared it to friendships that I have. I saw no similarities.

None of my friends smelled like fermenting milk. Well, there was that one…

If I were to irritate my friends every day, as the recipe calls for, I don’t think my friends would consider the friendship a two way street.

When my friends come upon a mess (goo) I think that the last thing that they would like me to do is to add more mess (goo) to theirs.

If I were to forget about my friends and just leave them to sit around, let’s say- like I am to leave this bag on my counter, do you think that the frustration of being left there would result in a buildup of pressure and finally exploding, like goo contained in a bag, all over the place (not that this happened, because I released the air build up like I was told to do.)

These Amish people must have very complicated friendships… I do not wish to engage in the ‘Amish Friendship.’

Furthermore, I like to be the kind of friend that lightens the load others have. I do not like to give my friends more things to do on top of the huge lists that, we moms, already have. Never would I wish this upon my friends:
And yet, a person who I thought was my very good friend has given it to me. What did I do to upset her, I ask myself?!?

So here is my solution: I have friends, I think.

Most- if not all of my friends enjoy a free loaf of bread. YES??

 I propose to do away with the bag of goo. I shall end this goo by taking all my collected goo and making endless amounts of bread to share with my friends. I do not wish to have friends that are smelly, irritated and messy. I wish to have friends who have big smiles on their faces from free loaves of (let’s hope yummy) bread.

If you respond to my blog, and you live relatively near to my house. Upon completion of my fermenting goo I will bring you a loaf of bread.

That’s the kind of friend that I am.


DISCLAIMER: I still very much like my friend who cursed me with this goo, and yes I have had this goo given to me before, and have thought these very same thoughts when given it, but I didn’t have a blog back then, so I am only now just sharing them.

Nicole, sister, the best
4/4/2011 05:24:59 am

THANK YOU, thank you for bringing light to this blight upon friendships everywhere. I have actually had this experience myself several times and I have seriously had to question the sincerity and loyalty of the friends who have presented them to me. I am further frustrated because, unlike you, I don't bake and therefore I wonder why my "friends" think that I should slave away in the kitchen which I tend to avoid..... Cruelty is all I can assume. I can promise anyone that has the kind-hearted idea to present me with a bag of goo, though I will smile gratefully, I will deposit it in its correct place, the trash. Sorry, but my friendship comes in the form of Rocky Mountain Chocolates which I DO NOT have to make myself.

4/4/2011 06:06:47 am

Ha Ha Ha!!!! These are my sentiments EXACTLY! I took many years off from the Amish Friendship circle. Last summer a friend asked me join this Friendship circle of "goo" as you so lovingly put it. Thinking maybe since I am a more experienced mother and cook now I might be able to handle it. Oh was I so wrong!!! I still DO NOT LIKE being a part of this Friendship Goo Circle. This time I too was able to cook all of the bread and give it away instead of just throwing it in the trash and hoping it wouldn't explode my trashcan before garbage day came. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THE GOO!!!

4/4/2011 12:07:18 pm

I've heard rumors that Amish Friendship bread has been making the rounds in our ward and secretly hoping that no one considers me the kind of friend that actually makes bread :)


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