Betcha didn't know that you
can de-stem a strawberry using a drinking straw??

You can.

Your amazed, I know.

Here's how: Push a straw up from the bottom of a strawberry staying as close to the center of the stem as
you can.

This is what


This is how much strawberry you loose.

Way better than cutting off
the top 1/4 of the berry, huh?

This is the waste from an entire pound of stawberries.

-The bigger the straw, the better- think fast food, large drink straws. Most fast food places leave their straws on the counter, so next time you are there- grab a few.
-Once the straw bends, its toast. You will have to get a new one.
-Let the strawberry build up in the straw. It makes it easier to hold without bending it and makes it a little stronger to push through the stem.
-You may have to take a couple passes for larger strawberries to ge the whole stem.

Now, go and de-stem some strawberries...the cool way.

5/16/2012 03:22:09 am

I totally did this with Bill for the Mother's Day Fruit Salad.

It was really fun!

We didn't even let the kids play. Mehehehe!


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