I paint. A lot. Many different things.

Through all my painting I have learned a few tricks. I will share.

*Never paint with shoes or socks on. Always paint barefoot. If you step in paint drips with bare feet you will know far sooner than when you see you have tracked it all over your floor.
*If you only get partially done with a paint job, or maybe your whole house is painted the same color and touch up painting is frequent, you can freeze a paint brush with paint still on it, thaw it and it will be as good as new. Toss it in a ziplock bag and freeze it!  It works really good with rollers, but I wouldn't reccomend it for more than a few days with a brush, it gets kind of gummed up toward the top and makes the brushing a little harder.
*If you are using a paint roller and therefor a paint tray, don't wash it out. Let the paint dry in there and it will peeel out like peeling off a sticker. It only works with plastic roller trays- metal trays will bond with the paint. Plus if you are like me and you like peeling glue off your hands, it will be 10 times the pleasure.
*Don't want to take hinges or door knobs off of something that you are painting? Rub some petrolium jelly on it- generously- and then paint. When you are done, rub the metal with a rag or paper towel and the paint will come off pretty easy.
*Painting near glass? Don't bother taping- you will still get ton's of paint  on the glass no matter how good you paint. Paint like regular trying not to get an exsessive amount on the windows, but don't be shy.   Once its dry, take a staight edge razor blade and cut around the seam (to break the paint that you want off the glass from the paint the paint that you want on the wood) and then scrape the razor down the glass, like you would a spatula under a cookie. It comes off super easy and you are left with a perfectly straight edge around your window.
*When you are cleaning your paint brush take a finger nail scrub brush and rub it in the direction that the bristles go and it will get all the dried up paint htat was stuck up at the top of the brush off.
*The best thing to get paint off of your skin is shampoo. Seriously.
*If you have a surface that is going to get touched a lot, use a high gloss paint. There is more plastic in the paint and it will wipe cleaner than an egg shell or semi-gloss.
*If you are painting with a bold color, get a shade lighter than what you like. When you paint a large surface, the paint looks darker and the lighter shade will curb the effect.
*Want to get that aged look with out painting 3 different colors on something? Tint your primer to one of the colors that you want. then use your top coat,  sand it and you will get the raw wood (or base color), your primer color and you top color showing through.   

There you go, some of my best painting tips for you.

Have fun, and I would totally go with that shade of teal in your bedroom.

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