I am doing it. I am not happy about it. There are people all around me that are telling me that it is way past time.
You win.
I am weening Kenaley.
 I decided that it is time today during Sacrament meeting in church today. It has been sometime coming though. She has been doing this thing that I call 'jungle gym nursing.' She tries to nurse and crawl all over me, stand up and nurse, watch TV and nurse. I don't like it. At all. So there's that. And then theres the fact that I swore that every time my babies learned where and how to get the milk, they were done and that happened about 3 months ago. And then the fact that Kenaley will start to nurse and stay on just long enough for my milk to drop and then get distracted and pull off and get the both of us soaked.
It. Is. Time.
But that still doesn't mean that I am happy about this.
There is the fact tha I am still nursing little bug about 11 times a day (the 24 hour day, not just daylight) And stopping nursing when I am producing that much milk is going to be PAINFUL!!! to say the least. Then there is the whole thing about her being my caboose and this is the last time that I will get to nurse my babies, a part of bonding that I love. And then there is the fact Miss Kenaley likes to scream when she doesn't get her way. At 1 am, and 3 am, and 5 am. LOUD. Like a baby piglet. The kind that makes your spine hurt. And the sure fire way to get her to stop is with nursing. Then theres thing where I gave her milk for the first time in her little life today out of a sippy cup and she tasted it, made a horrified face and let it drool out of her mouth like I was poisening her.  But worst of all, KEVIN!!! Weening him of the fact that I can instantly quiet the beast is going to be most difficult of all. especially when it is 1 am. And 3 am. And 5 am. And for that matter 9 pm, when she is so unbelieveably tired that she screams becasue she doesn't know what else to do with her mouth unless it is occupied by a boob. I am not looking forward to the next week. Chocolate, Pepsi and Advil are going to be my best friends.

You know what, while I as writing this I am thinking that maybe I jumped the gun. Maybe I am not ready for this. Maybe she is not ready for this. Maybe I should revisit this whole weening thing later in the future. Like in another year.

Nicole, sister, the best
3/27/2011 02:17:42 pm

I am terribly sorry that it is such a painful process for you but I have to remind you that I have been on the phone with you a few times when she has bitten you and even drawn blood.... think on this when you are reconsidering.

3/28/2011 05:55:28 am

I will bring you Pepsi and chocolate bunt cake when you actually do start Weening you Princess.


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