I decided that since I just re-did a little part of my house- the boys room and SO many of you have never seen my house I decided to give you a little tour of some of my favorite things in my house…
This is the sign that sits above my scrapbook desk. It inspires me, well its supposed to.

My livingroom wall,  with my favorite most current pictures of my favorite kids.

My collection of family sculptures that sits on our mantle made of what used to be our 110 year old roof.

Our little reminder over our hall tree.

The shelf that I made on the edge of my kitchen,. 

The ever growing wall of frames that goes up my stairs. There are about 50 pictures so far.

The boys new decor; complete with a real grenade, 50 cal bullet, ammo box, a been-through-war-helmet and duffle bag.

The little tiles that I made in my bathroom.

A piece of the beach in my room.

My babies blessing clothes and when and what they were blessed for.

The best part of giving you a tour this way is that you don't see the mess!!
Nicole (your sister)
3/9/2011 10:51:13 am

Love the way that the boys thing turned out! Super cute!


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